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When many of us think about how our website design affects our success on the internet, we typically think in terms of its impact on organic search engine results. While this is certainly true, you should not neglect the importance of certain aspects of your website design when it comes to pay-per-click (PPC) listings as well. When you start a PPC ad campaign, your priorities may be figuring out what keywords to advertise under and how much to pay for each click under them as well as ensuring you have targeted ads for specific keywords. These are certainly critical factors, but you should also check the following design elements of your website to ensure they are not holding back the success of your PPC campaign.

Website Responsiveness

You may already be aware that having a responsive website is critical for ranking well under keywords in organic search results. Google’s algorithm has been checking websites for compatibility across a variety of internet devices for years now, and they like sites that also render well on mobile devices.

That being said, you’re paying for each click on a PPC ad. If the visitor initiated this click on their smartphone and your site isn’t responsive, they may be greeted with an awful jumble of text and images on the other side of their click. In other words, you more than likely wasted your money on that click.

Fast-Loading Webpages

When people click on a link to be taken to your website, it’s because they are looking for information or for a product or to have a question answered, and they want that information, product or answer now! On average, visitors will wait about 3 seconds for a website to load, and if it doesn’t, they click that back button and go back to the search results page to click on another listing and to give that other website their money.

Sound Technical Structure

If your website has technical problems that are giving visitors error messages when they’re trying to navigate to the information they want, this will only serve to frustrate them and make them go elsewhere. If customers report problems to you when trying to use your website, you may want to have a developer check it out from top to bottom for code errors or other problems that will hamper the user’s experience and, therefore, your success.

Appearance and Operation

When you look at your website, do you think “the year 2005 called, and it wants its website back?” If your site looks dated or amateurish, that won’t give people any confidence in doing business with you. A modern, professional looking website that projects the saying that “you only have one chance to make a good first impression” is critical in the incredibly competitive online world today.

Ease of Navigation

When people get to your website, they want to see a layout and navigation that enables them to promptly get to the information, products or services that they desire. Confusing navigation or too many clicks required to get where they need to go will result in them going somewhere else.

Setting up Your Website for PPC Success

At Planet 8 Digital, we live and breathe online success every working day. We have helped countless clients with the creation of cutting-edge, SEO-friendly websites that make the right impression on every visitor. We are also extremely adept at setting up and managing PPC ad campaigns that increase your visibility. Whether you need a website or you have one already that you need a team of experts to optimize for PPC success, our team in Bucks County, Pennsylvania has helped businesses around the nation attain maximum return on investment for their digital marketing dollars.