Many local businesses choose to have their website hosted and manged by a web design firm. There are many advantages to having someone else manage your hosting account. For example, a web design company can make sure that your website will not go down due to technical glitches or deliberate attacks, and attempted hacking. In today’s age, it is best to leave such technical aspects of your business to the experts. Here are some simple reasons why you should have your website managed by a web design company – a local web design company.
Better Uptime
There are many issues that can lead to an outage or downtime on your website. Most issues are non-intentional such as glitches or automatic updates that cause some level of incompatibility. Most reputable web companies have some level of automatic monitoring of any websites that they manage. This kind of monitoring will alert you and the web company that your website is no longer responding as soon as it happens. These type of alerts allow the developers to get on the issue right away and get the situation fixed immediately.
Improved Security Measures
Our developers are constantly monitoring and tweaking the security measures on our clients websites and the servers that they are hosted on. Everyday new security threats are being discovered and our staff is always reading up and adjusting their websites appropriately. For example, when the WordPress XSS vulnerability was disclosed back in April, our staff immediately sprung into action looking for fixes. Fortunately, we found a solution that worked and quickly secured all of our clients sites.
Redundancy, Redundancy, Redundancy
In some cases, servers at the hosting providers may go down which could result in downtime if your site is not configured properly. Does your current web hosting company have a backup plan if their servers go down? Well for all of our clients, their sites are backed up via a CDN or Content Delivery Network. This ensures that if the primary server goes down, a secondary server will pickup and keep the website live for our clients customers. Down time is lost money in the online market.
Better Performance
How does your website perform against your competition? If your website is running slow because of poor coding or because of hosting server location. For example, if you are on the east coast why would you let your website be hosted on the west coast. It many only take an extra second or two to reach the west coast but that can be the difference between turning a visitor into a customer or an abandoned shopping cart. When was the last time you asked your website hosting company about the hardware your site is hosted on? Is your website hosted on a Solid State Drive or a traditional moving parts drive. The same website hosted in the same location will launch 200% faster on a solid-state drive then a traditional moving parts drive. By the way – all our websites are hosted on the east coast and on solid-state drive. Once again, just a shameless plug.
Lower Costs
Having a website hosted and maintained by a web design company can save you a lot of money over a year. A website going down could cost you hundreds of dollars. Having a website under contract acts as an insurance policy for your company. We know that most people are worried about having to spend a lot of money to put their website under a protective contract. The good news is that companies like ours do not charge you an insane maintenance fee. We have a base maintenance fee of $65, which guarantees uptime, speed, and redundancy.
We are sure you have many questions, comments, or concerns about your website hosting. Luckily, we offer a free no-obligation survey of your current hosting setup to determine if you have the appropriate security and redundancy installed on your website. Contact Bucks County’s #1 Web Design Company today!