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SEO vs PPC: How Paid and Organic Best Work Together

SEO vs PPC - Planet 8 Digital Marketing
SEO vs PPC: How Paid and Organic Best Work Together

SEO and paid search, pay-per-click, can be used in different ways to get visitors to your website. However, they should be used in ways to get the best out of both worlds. Paid search, PPC, can almost yield immediate results, but the efforts can end up being expensive if things aren’t done correctly. On the other hand, SEO is free to engage even though optimization & digital marketing efforts may take longer. Both methods can yield insights and favorable results for effective keyword rankings. Until recently, many companies approached these tactics separately.

Today, more and more businesses are realizing the wisdom of a unified approach to overcoming the challenges of helping clients find their site. Both disciplines depend on keywords. So, it makes sense that your company should look at both approaches through a similar lens. Consider the following ways that your business can successfully integrate the two.


Integrate Paid Marketing and Search Engine Optimization

  1. Research and expand your keywords – Google provides some amazing tools for taking on the task. Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics unmasks the mystery about keywords that drive traffic to sites. These tools, if not already being used in your campaigns, can easily be added. Your Google Adwords tool can reveal if it’s worth the cost of adding those keywords. High-converting paid terms can also be used to rank organically.
  2. Keep an eye on paid and organic links – Where both paid and organic links are together, users tend to click on either link because both are present. Just make sure that you rank well organically to begin with. Top page rank for organic searches, along with paid ads, can sometimes provide up to 50 percent incremental clicks. Your goal is to make sure you aren’t leaving clicks on the table.
  3. Brainstorm compelling content ideas – Content is still king. Paid search allows you to develop content around keywords people are likely to search for. If your keywords convert well in paid search, there’s a strong likelihood they’ll also perform well in created content. You can also use compelling copy that performs well in click-throughs and add effective keywords to headlines, title, and meta descriptions.
  4. Pay-per-click reporting can also help identify your competitors – You may find these are businesses that were never on your radar. Anyone business utilizing your desired keyword, or set of keyword phrases is, in essence, a competitor.
  5. Snippets and Google Ads have a similar way of being presented in SERPs – By any means, you should always make sure that you optimize your snippets and ads to the best of your ability. They can both offer tailored results to a query. Remember, the goal is to utilize tools and ideas that can help maximize keyword rankings and local search engine optimization efforts.


SEO vs PPC should never end up in a dual. The two disciplines can work together with the right strategies. At Planet 8 Digital, we breathe and eat search engine optimization, PPC, Google Adwords, and Google Analytics. We’re conveniently located in the Greater Philadelphia PA area and Bucks County. Planet 8 Digital employs a team of professionals who can help you grow your business through Web design, SEO, social media marketing, video marketing, and much more.

We can help you overcome the mystery of SEO vs PPC and help you optimize your campaigns. Contact us today for additional information.

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