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How To Add Your Social Media Links To Google Results

Social Media Explained - Planet 8 Digital Marketing
How To Add Your Social Media Links To Google Results
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Google is the largest source for driving web traffic to your website but social media is not far behind. Thanks to Google’s updated knowledge panel you can let Google and web users know which social media profiles you are using.

Using this knowledge panel means that you have more control on the first page of Google Plus and can increase the size of your web visitors. This is a huge benefit for small businesses looking to get an edge over their competition. Right now, Google only allows certain social media profiles to be listed on the knowledge panel. Of course, they allow Google+ but here are some of the other profiles that are currently supported:

  • Myspace (even though it’s not 2003)
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube

There are two way to create the structured markup on your site. You can either manually code it or if you have WordPress you can use SchemaApp which allows even the novice to create structured data. Before you do anything, make sure that you have installed SchemaApp through the WordPress Extensions Directory.

1. Go to Schema.org Structured Data on the homepage of your site via the backend.

2. Create A Name For Your Resource. In this example, you the name of your company.

3. Fill Out All The Relevant Information. Add Social Media Profiles To “Same As”- one per line. Be Sure To Set Type To “Organization.”

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